Education, Faculty of

Website University of New Brunswick

Job description

Topic to be determined jointly by the student and the faculty advisor with approval of the Associate Dean, Graduate Programs. Please visit the Education website for more information.Graduate degree in Education and preferably University level teaching experience.Community collaboration to promote education and social change has its roots in the community development and school-community relations arenas. This course examines the social contexts impacting collaborative initiatives, including the work of educational leaders in addressing political considerations associated with interacting with key community-based organizations, as well as strategies for developing relationships to support education and community growth and the broad spectrum of available resources in the community. As part of this course, students will spend time with a community organization (in public, private, or non-profit sector) to observe its work and report back to their classmates, particularly on the implications and impacts resulting from school-community collaboration.The course will begin with up to four weekly live class meetings (3 hours in length by videoconference) to address important topics in the literature related to school-community collaboration and the necessary protocols for such collaboration. The students will then be expected to spend the equivalent of four class periods with a community organization to observe and learn about them. Note that the students will be responsible for finding a suitable community organization and to notify the instructor for approval. Up to four class meetings at the end of the term will be scheduled for students to report on their experiences and learning from their time spent with community organizations.Key Topics and Themes
• Schools Helping to Break the Cycle of Generational Poverty
• School Partnerships and Projects with the Non-Profit Sector
• Schools Supporting Newcomers and the Multicultural Community
• Schools Helping At-Risk Youth and Families to Overcome Barriers
• Designing Learning Pathways for At-Risk and Marginalized Students
• Students Needing Support When Navigating the Legal System
• Schools and the Municipal Planning CycleKeith Pierce

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